Sunday, September 18

Who Ordered This Truckload Of Dung

Ajahn Brahmavamso Mahathera (known to most as Ajahn Brahm), born in London, United Kingdom on 7 August 1951, is a Theravada Buddhist Monk. Currently is the Abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery, in Serpentine, Western Australia, the Spiritual Director of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia, Spiritual Adviser to the Buddhist Society of Victoria, Spiritual Adviser to the Buddhist Society of South Australia, Spiritual Patron of the Buddhist Society in Singapore, and the Spiritual Patron of the Bodhikusuma Centre in Sydney.

My DAddy told me to buy this book in the state and I love books that inspire me with stories ( I dislikes boring books), SO i ordered 3 from Barnes and Noble at 10.95 each and manage to get one from Title Wave Book Shop ( Second Hand Book Shop) at 6.95. 2 for daddy, 1 for me and 1 for OYY. I started reading it a few days ago, it is really a good book especially for us at this age, it really explain lots of things in life and how do u overcome it and sometimes it really explain bit by bit and the most important things is - Ajahn Brahm style - Funny!!!
When I was reading the book, I have so many things in mind and wish that I can share with everyone else in the world, so that you don't live in a suffering world no more, and I decided to "blog" it so that everyone can read it! Hope you all enjoy and I really wish you guys can comment and share your opinion or experience with everyone else!

If you don't think so, then make your life wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, life is beautiful!
    I also have the feeling to share when I learnt and explored new things, that was exciting!
